Will I be asked to do anything else? (the Information Study)

In addition to the main study, we are looking at what information women need to decide whether or not to take part in the PIONEER study. This is called the Information Study. This is completely optional, but it will help our study further.

To find this out, we may ask if we can audio-record any conversations that take place between you and healthcare or research staff, during which the PIONEER study is discussed. This will allow us to understand and improve how studies like this are discussed with potential participants.

If you decide not to take part in the PIONEER study, we may invite you to take part in an interview with one of the University of Bristol’s researchers to ask about your experience of being invited to take part in the study.
Similarly, if you decide to take part, we may invite you to take part in an interview one of the University of Bristol’s researchers to discuss your experiences of being in the study. This will take place after your involvement in the main study has ended, around 6-12 weeks after you give birth.
These interviews will be done using Zoom or a similar platform, or by telephone as you prefer.
The interview will last 30-45 minutes. The researcher will contact you to find a mutually convenient time to do the interview. You can agree to the PIONEER study, the Information Study, or both.

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